Advance climate justice.

The climate crisis is here, and it’s being felt in working-class and communities of color across Philadelphia. From investing in green solutions for our lower income neighborhoods to creating green solutions in our schools, we can reduce the impact of climate change in Philadelphia together.

Create an economy that supports families.

Every Philadelphian deserves the opportunity to have stable work, a living wage, secure benefits and protections in their workplace, and an economy where they can thrive.

Develop affordable, accessible housing.

The housing in Philadelphia is becoming less affordable and accessible and new development isn’t meeting the needs of our city. We need to build on the momentum of the City Council’s work to prevent evictions and create more protections for tenants by working to develop new truly affordable housing for all Philadelphians. 

Eliminate gun violence.

Like many of you, I have felt the effects of gun violence first hand as it continues to run through my community in Philadelphia. I am concerned about the safety of our community, especially as our youth continue to be impacted by gun violence at alarming rates.

Build a just criminal justice system.

Our current punitive carceral system promotes the cycle of recidivism rather than innovating to increase rehabilitation. By recognizing this, we can make our communities safer by ensuring sufficient resources to break cycles of violence and crime and make sure those who do not belong in prison don’t end up there in the first place.

Protect reproductive rights.

In Philadelphia, our City Council is working to make sure that reproductive freedoms are protected not only for Philadelphians, but for those who need somewhere to go to seek safe and affordable care. I will work alongside the Council to ensure this legislation is passed. Everyone should be able to access the care they need without the burden of cost or stigma.

We’re grateful for your donations!